Hungry no more


First day of Induction for me, please!

I think the general feeling about my first day is: this was MUCH easier than expected! The awesome effects:

– I felt little to no hunger at all during the day. I had breakfast at about 7:30 am, than had a snack at 10 am before going to work, then ate again at 5 pm. It is now almost 10 pm and I’m still not hungry. Boy, is this feeling refreshing! I have always struggled with hunger. I was always amazed (and still am) by people who can have a smoothie for breakfast and not feeling hunger pangs until lunch time, and by those who ate a salad at lunch and carry without food until late in the afternoon. I know from experience that when you eat vegan food, and practice portion control, your belly shrinks and you get satisfied with less food. The problem is, it only worked for me while on vacation. When working (and I write a thesis for a living with only a couple hours teaching during the week), I always found myself nibbling on something and persuading myself that I needed sugar to function properly. As a result, I would often eat munch on too much food and slowly but surely transfer from the desk to the couch, replacing the book in my hand with the TV remote…

– The thing is, I love to munch. So smoothies are not really for me. Vegetable frittatas, on the other hand, like the one I made this morning, work great. Here is the recipe, it’s delicious, and super filling, and has 8 grams NC for the whole thing:


First things first, what you’ll need:

– 4 or 5 eggs

– 300 gr frozen spinach

– 1/2 red bell pepper

– 1 ounce hard cheese. Of course, you can use more, but I had only one slice of Leerdammer cheese left in the fridge, so I diced it.

– salt and some fresh or dried herbs. I used some dry dill and onion flakes, only to add more taste.

– One tablespoon or two of olive oil or the oil you use for cooking. Coconut, sesame, avocado, etc.

– Oh, and I ate it with some mayo (made from organic eggs laid by happy chicken).

What to do next:

1. Defrost the spinach in the skillet, and once these is no more excess water, add some oil.


2. Dice half of the red bell pepper and put it with the spinach, lower the heat.


3. While it gets yummy, whisk the eggs with the cheese and the spices.


4. Then pour the mixture on the veggies, cover and let cook for about 15 minutes, turn in and cook for another 3 to 4 minutes. It will look like this in the process:


5. It’s ready, enjoy!


Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll try this out. It is simple, yet effective, and gives your vegetarian Induction phase a nice gourmet touch (as in it looks elaborate but actually is very simple).

Tomorrow I’ll post my favorite low carb toast recipe and talk about bearing with low carb lifestyle while eating out.

